Teacher Testimonies


For the next generation to know and love the Lord Jesus takes several things, but caring teachers is one. At Grace, the desire, compassion and genuine love our teachers exhibit in Sunday School and Pioneer Clubs is amazing! I hope you’re encouraged to read these teacher testimonies.

Robert and Susan Griffith who’ve taught for a couple years, think about their public pledge at baby dedications:

Do you individually and corporately pledge to give these parents whatever support they may need, and to cooperate with them in every way possible in order to help fulfill their responsibility to the Lord?    


As grandparents, we’ve wondered what role we can play to fulfill that pledge to assist young parents in our church family. This ministry’s been a practical application of our commitment made many years ago. As with all works of God, He pours out grace to all involved. The notes of love, appreciation for our new relationships and the connection with the kids has reminded us who we are, His beloved children.

Another teacher reflects, “Being a PC teacher reminds me how special and unique each child is! It’s a blessing to get to know the kids, walk with them through deep truths about God and see how He works in our lives! I certainly learn as much or more than they do. It’s also very humbling and encouraging to realize that while I’m investing in children, there are other people investing in my kids.”

Paul and Joy Norton, SS teachers for years, are blessed to see the kids’ love for God! The shortened SS schedule, however, has made this year extremely hard for them because it meant less time spent with the kids! Nevertheless, God showed them that His love is continual even in changing and uncertain times!

~~ Shannon Gray