Four Ways to Pray for Elders


According to the qualifications for elders listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, there are four ways we can pray for them, both those who are currently elders and those we are seeking to identify as potential elder candidates:

1. Healthy Character: an elder must be known for living with self-control, being others-centered, using words wisely, exercising moderation, honoring toward civic authorities, calm under pressure, and gentle, just to name a few. We should pray that our elders would live a Spirit-led life, which produces godly character in all their dealings.

2. Healthy Family: an elder must be faithful in his marriage, honoring toward his wife, a present and engaged father of children who recognize his authority, as well as a mature steward of his money and resources. We should pray for the marriages and families of our elders, that God would bring peace and protection to their family relationships.

3. Healthy Faith: an elder must have a strong and mature relationship with Christ. He must be humble and one who faithfully practices spiritual disciplines, such as Bible reading, prayer, fellowship with other believers, and evangelism. We should pray for the personal faith of our elders, realizing that their faith significantly influences the faith of others.

4. Healthy Teaching: an elder must be known as a one who studies, meditates on, and is faithful to God’s Word, so that he can instruct others by it. He must live by and promote sound biblical teaching, recognizing God’s Word as authoritative. We should pray for strong commitment to Scripture in our elders, realizing that Scripture is crucial in being able to hear and be led by the Spirit.