Our ministry to college and international students, along with young adults, provides a transition between our youth group and shepherding group (small group) ministries. Each Sunday night during the semester, we host The Foxhole, a gathering for anyone who has completed high school and is either working on their undergraduate degree or is between the ages of 18 and 23. In this gathering we focus on supporting our students in their unique season of life, while also building a framework for biblical community through the local church. We will include some combination of Bible study, worship, prayer, small group discussion, games, and food.

our vision is To see students grow in their knowledge of and love for Jesus, so that their lives are characterized by obedience to Jesus.


When: Sunday Nights from 7:00-8:30pm

Where: All Sunday night meetings will take place at the home of Tim and Karlie Wilson.

Who: Click HERE to get more info on our leadership team

For more details you can reach out to Tim directly at 205.861.8283, or email him at timw@gracechurchtuscaloosa.com

Scan here if you would like us to reach out to you!!


The Foxhole - Our weekly meetings have wrapped up for the semester. We will start back in the Fall. Have a great summer!!

Fall Kickoff - August 25

Fall Retreat - November 1-3