Fighting Sin

I recently ran across an article that laid out some very helpful steps for fighting sin. There’s an old saying that says “prior planning prevents poor performance.” This principle can be applied to addressing sin in our lives. We can have the best of intentions to live free from sin, but without a plan, we will not get very far. So, below are eight steps that may be helpful (for a more detailed description on each step, click the link to the full article below).

1. Identify: do I define sin by the standard of God’s Word, rather than by the surrounding culture?

2. Evaluate: which sins do I struggle most with? When, where, and how do they show up?

3. Feel: do I feel guilty and/or ashamed of my sin, so that it leads me to genuine repentance?

4. Consider: why do I have particular vulnerability to certain sins, and can I be honest about this?

5. Plan: what can I practically put into place to proactively guard against temptations to sin?

6. Fight: am I actively fighting against sin by the power of the Holy Spirit? (cf. Colossians 1:28-29)

7. Meditate: am I consistently fixing my heart and mind on Christ, via his Word and his people?

8. Expect/rejoice: am I hopeful in Christ, trusting he is bigger and stronger than any sin struggle?

How Do You Plan on Fighting Sin?