When Things are Hard

If I am being honest, I would have to confess that I have struggled in the past five months. Really struggled. It is kind of like a weird mixture of wearing shoes that are way too tight and grief. With every step comes the awareness that things are off…and my heart is heavy and feels the loss of meaningful things.

In the midst of the struggle and seeking the Lord, I have discovered one of the sources of frustration. At times, the practical day-to-day use of my God-given spiritual gifts seems to have all but dried up. And that is because I am unable to practice my gifts in the ways I have been accustomed. Like when you injure your predominate hand and have to do everything with your other hand. Everything feels awkward…out of sync…hard…off.

As followers of Christ, we NEED to use our gifts. It is like air and water. We only experience life to the full when using our gifts is an active part of our lives. So, what do we do?

For me, the first step was a “come to Jesus meeting.” In His gentle but firm way, His admonition was to stop whining and be grateful. Stop neglecting and making excuses and start caring again. Stop living by my feelings and remember Who has solved my greatest problem, Who loves me unconditionally, and Who has amazing things for me even in this hard time. It is time to find new ways to practice my gifts and get back to kingdom work.

Are you struggling…feeling stuck…hurting? If you need to talk, if you need prayer or encouragement, there are brothers and sisters at Grace Church who understand, who care and are here. And never forget that we have a Father who cares about us, loves us, and is near.

And, who knows, if you are like me, it may be time for a “come to Jesus meeting” for you too.

~ Nita Hallman