A Shout Out to Our Deacons

One of my greatest joys in ministry is working with our Deacons at Grace! You talk about some servant-minded people! Not only are they servant-minded, but they serve a specific purpose in the organizational structure of Grace.

Our “one-pager” or “job description” for Deacons includes the following sentences: Deacons are servants and leaders of ministries who support the work of the church and the Elders. More specifically, the role of a Deacon is intended to address a variety of the “practical” ministries connected to a congregation, in order that the Elders might focus on “shepherding” and “word” ministry.

Note two things: 1) Deacons serve and lead ministries and 2) their role of overseeing practical ministries frees the Elders to focus on their role. I love that our Deacons minister to the body at Grace by overseeing vital, practical ministries. It lets the congregation know that the areas under their charge are being taken care of on behalf of the whole congregation. And part of their role is to recruit and train those who would serve alongside them in the various ministries. “…equipping the saints for the work of ministry, for building up of the body of Christ” (Eph. 4:12).

The Deacon ministry is also a picture of how the body of Christ is put together. “But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose” (1 Cor. 12:18). We say at Grace that we have paid Deacons (Staff) and unpaid Deacons (those listed below). They serve a specific role as middle managers, if you will, under the authority of the Elders and alongside those under their ministry area.

Please take some time to go out of your way to encourage our Deacons by thanking them for their sacrificial service to Grace!

Benevolence DeaconRobert Griffith

Connections DeaconBrent Hutto

Hospitality DeaconBonnie Faile

Missions DeaconM Berry

Security DeaconTodd Hill

Worship Service Management DeaconRachel Waits

~~ Tim Thomassian