Mister 2 Jobs

Bivocational; a term the IRS might call “two-jobs” but one the church uses to refer to a person who works in a paid ministry role as well as any other job simultaneously. For those of you who do not know, I am a full-time Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant while also being on staff here at Grace part-time as the Middle School Youth Director. This makes me bivocational.

Serving in these two roles, I get the opportunity to be in the people business day in and day out. I get the pleasure of being in contact with hundreds of people of all ages every week. On any given day I may find myself in the unique setting of helping a 100-year-old man learn to walk again while later that night getting to present the gospel to a bunch of 10–14-year-olds! This opens so many doors to share the gospel and to be the hands and feet of Jesus on a daily basis.

The idea of bivocational ministry is not a new one, and it is definitely biblical. For example, we read in Acts 18 that Paul was a tent maker while also spreading the good news and writing parts of the New Testament. I am by no means comparing myself to Paul, but it is intriguing to read how God used Paul and many others throughout history in different roles to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. I also acknowledge it is not always sunshine and rainbows. Managing a bivocational life is not easy, and I often find myself leaning on Romans 8:28. I would encourage you to examine areas where God currently has you. Where has God specifically placed you? Where is He opening doors for you to allow you to be in the people business with Him?

~~ Collin Sherrill