Motherhood: A Picture of the Gospel

My youngest is now two weeks old. A lot has gone through my mind over the past fourteen days but two thoughts have dominated the rest; the wonder of new life, and the sacrifice of motherhood.

While this is not the first time I have looked at a newborn who has just uttered their first cry and been reminded that human life is fearfully and wonderfully made, that we are all, male and female, made in the image of God, it is the most recent. Two years have passed since the birth of our third child, and in that time the freshness of these realities have faded. There is no lack of belief in their truth, but there is a distance between the reality and it’s visible confirmation. To look at a child and be reminded that over the past nine months God has been actively forming him or her, creating every organ, programming every system, and placing every hair is nothing short of amazing. Even more so is that it is not just my child this applies to; Every. Single. Child. has been created in this way and is known and loved by their creator.

For this creation to be revealed though, something else is required; the sacrifice of a mother. As one on the outside looking in I can only speak to what I have observed, but it doesn’t take supernatural discernment to see the extreme sacrifice that is made in the birth of every child. Nine months of physical and emotional challenges, a birthing process that whether done naturally or surgically requires intense pain and suffering, the giving of one’s physical self for the growth and sustenance of the child, the loss of sleep, energy, privacy, independence… and all this before you even leave the hospital. Motherhood is a sacrifice such that many of us cannot fully comprehend, but that every one of us has been the recipient of. It is an experience that I daresay few initially enjoy, but that even fewer would ever trade. It is one that should be regularly honored, but that is often taken for granted.

In no way does motherhood appear easy. But for the vast majority of those given this role it is one they fully embrace and treasure. As they look into the face of their child and reflect on the past nine months there is often a joy unlike any other. And if asked whether they would do it all over again the response is an overwhelming yes. Which means one thing; the wonder of life is worth the sacrifice.

I can’t help but think that this is a beautiful picture of the Gospel. Christ, though God Himself, chose to embrace the sacrifice, giving up His very life in obedience to the Father that you and I may have life. Though often taken for granted, it was not easy. We read in Scripture of Jesus asking, pleading with the Father for another way. Even though He knew the plan and was fully prepared to obey, the sacrifice ahead was daunting. We know it was physically and emotionally demanding, we know the pain and suffering were almost unbearable, we know the loss of dignity among men was disheartening and the abandonment of His Father was soul crushing. All this for the sins of mankind. But this we also know; the wonder of life was worth the sacrifice.

If you are anything like me you might have placed Mother’s day on a list of lesser important holidays, often forgetting or even choosing not to do anything more than verbally acknowledge the day. Though only two weeks old my fourth child has already challenged me to think about this day in another context, one that looks at life and sacrifice, pointing to the ultimate sacrifice that gives eternal life. Thank you moms for your sacrifice, it has not been taken for granted. Thank you for pointing us to the life-giving Gospel of Jesus. Thank you for reminding us that the wonder of life is worth the sacrifice.

~~ Tim Wilson