
Did you have a best friend as a child? Riding bikes around the neighborhood, playing games, climbing trees, sleep overs, chasing lightning bugs after dark (I am probably telling my age!). Many of you can remember fun times with a best bud or a BFF. For some, those are special memories.

Today, we live in a culture where friend can mean anything from “adding someone to your list of contacts on a social media platform” to “someone who is not an enemy.” That makes understanding what it really means even more important in the Christian community.

Definitions of friends and friendship use words and phrases such as trustworthy, supportive, accepting, available, similar interests, there during tough times, listener, loyal, respectful, safe, connected, forgiving, comfortable being yourself, and have your best interests at heart. Cultivating relationships with others where these things are present takes time and effort, but it can be worth both.

For Christians, we add another layer to this. We share eternity and a Savior. Through scripture, we share common instructions on how to live and grow into the image of Christ.

To help facilitate Christian friendships, two years ago we experimented with what was called Summer Soul Care. We created groups of 4-5 people who met several times over the summer for fellowship. We are excited that this summer it is making a comeback! For those who were not around then or didn’t participate, here is part of the official overview for SSC:

These groups meet for the purpose of helping one another mature in our relationship with the Lord. They provide an opportunity to learn one another’s stories, to share struggles and encouragements, and to pray for one another. Ultimately, they are an avenue for learning to love one another well, so that we might be a witness for Christ to the world around us (John 13:34-35).

How GREAT is that?!?! What a wonderful opportunity to meet and get to know others in the Grace family. It is sooooo worth the time and effort!!!! And who knows, you might be getting to know a new best bud or BFF!

~~ Nita Hallman