Connecting Kids and Missions

Have you heard of our Kids’ Mission Sundays? They’re new!! On the last day of Sunday School this past summer we had our first Kids’ Mission Sunday. It was such a success that we decided to have them at the end of every semester! This is how it works - on that day, our kids spend time listening to 3-4 of our mission partners share about their ministries. Classrooms are used to set up stations for each mission partner, and throughout the morning the children move as a class from one station to another. For those mission partners who can’t be here in person, a teacher or member of the Missions Ministry Team uses videos and pictures to help share their story. Some of our mission partners are here in Tuscaloosa, some are in other places in the U.S. and some serve in other countries. We choose different mission partners each semester so the kids will eventually be able to meet them all!

With this model, we’re helping our kids interact with and learn about missions at Grace Church in several ways. We are introducing them to mission partners we support, as well as giving each class an opportunity to pray for the specific needs of missionaries they meet. The kids are also learning about the work of the Missions Ministry Team as they become familiar with the content of the missions bulletin board. Mallie Berry, a Missions Ministry Team member, shares: “As a missionary and a parent, I’m excited that our kids are learning more about God’s heart for the nations by connecting with our mission partners. Learning about, praying for, and encouraging the mission partners gives the kids an active ‘hands-on’ role in mission work and a personal connection to what God is doing around the world.”

— Shannon Gray