Three Daily Temptations

While away on sabbatical I read a book that explored three daily temptations faced by pastors. Upon further reflection, I think each of these temptations are experienced by many of us in many different ways week after week.

The first temptation is to be everywhere for everybody. The tendency for many of us to over-commit is ever upon us, and it can lead to a life of rushing and busyness, leaving little to no time for spending time with the Lord or enjoying the peaceful rhythms he invites us into. One of my consistent prayers each morning has become “Father, help me to be in step with your Spirit this day.” It reminds me that I cannot be everywhere for everybody and keeps me sensitive to how the Lord is directing me throughout the day.

The second temptation is to fix everything. All of us have a tendency to drift from depending on the Lord to depending on ourselves. Without even knowing it we can start navigating life on our own, thinking that we have enough experience or wits to handle the things that come our way. The attempt to fix everything is really a grab for control. It signals a lack of trust in the Lord, choosing instead to address our problems our own way. It is good for us to remember the words of Jesus: “apart from me you can do nothing.”

The third temptation is to know everything. Some of us really enjoy to learn, but we forget that learning is to lead to wisdom, not just knowledge. In fact, the Lord warns us in his Word that knowledge often easily leads to pride. Sometimes we think that knowing a lot about a particular area means that we know a lot about everything. While learning is important for all of us, it is more important to continually ask the Lord to help our learning create humility within us, rather than pride.

The temptations to be everywhere, fix everything, and know everything can be subtle ways for us move into a mode of self-dependence. May we regularly confess our tendencies in these areas, and ask the Lord to help us resist them.
