Lessons on Hell from Matthew 8:11-12

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Lessons on Hell from Matthew 8:11-12

In his conversation with the Roman centurion recorded in Matthew 8, Jesus makes a reference to hell. While the word “hell” is not actually used, the same characteristics used to describe hell in other parts of Scripture are used here by Jesus. Here are three key takeaways about hell from these two verses:

1. “The sons of the kingdom.” This phrase in this context refers to Jews who reject Jesus. Though the centurion is a Gentile, it is his faith in Jesus that places him among those who will be received by Jesus into eternity. Even though the Jews in Jesus’ day possessed great history with and knowledge of God, it is only faith in Jesus that admits one into God’s eternal kingdom.

2. “Will be thrown into the outer darkness.” Those who end up in hell as a result of rejecting Jesus will have no capacity to resist being placed there. While Jesus forgives those who come to him in repentance and faith, he is also the final judge of those who reject him, and they cannot resist the punishment he rightfully executes. The image of darkness is used here to signify that those who end up in hell will be separated from the bright and glorious presence of the Lord.

3. “In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Two images strike us here. First, in hell there will be “weeping”; in other words, there will be extreme expression of grief and regret. Second, there will be “gnashing of teeth.” This image simultaneously suggests both a misery and an angry bitterness that the punishment being experienced is undeserved.

One scholar has noted that no one in the Bible talks about hell more than Jesus himself. These descriptions from Matthew 8:11-12 should not only cause us to be ever more grateful for Jesus and his offer of rescue from sin, but should also motivate us to be a light for Christ to those around us who have not yet turned to him.