Ongoing Transformation

At the end of Exodus 34 Moses is described as shining after coming down from meeting with the Lord. In fact, this seemingly unnerves the Israelites, to the point that he covers his face with a veil. In 2 Corinthians 3 Paul provides some further commentary on Moses and his veil. In v.13 he comments that Moses “put a veil over his face so that the Israelites might not gaze at the outcome of what was being brought to an end.” He goes on to explain that Moses represented a covenant that was only temporary, one that was pointing forward to a new and better covenant that would never come to an end.

Those whose faith is in Christ are part of a better covenant, a covenant sealed by the continuing presence of the Holy Spirit with us at all times. And this is a reality that is anything but fading. Now, at times, it may feel like the presence of the Lord in our lives is fading. Sometimes this is because of sin in our lives that is undealt with or distractions we have allowed to creep in, and other times this happens for reasons that may be unknown to us. However, despite seasons in which the Lord’s presence feels distant or faded, Paul reminds us that our covenant with the Lord through Christ is one in which he is transforming us more and more into the image of Christ ALL THE TIME, whether we feel it or are aware of it or not. May we remember Paul’s encouraging words to us in Philippians 1:6, that “he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”