Community... Life

Over the summer, over ninety of our adults participated in Soul Care groups. Each group was comprised of 4-5 people, most being diverse in background, age, and interests. As the weeks rolled by, we began hearing from different ones participating. By and large the responses were very positive. We had groups enjoy dinner together in homes and restaurants, go swimming in a backyard pool and in a public pool, and one group actually went to an escape room together (now that sounds like FUN!).

No matter the activity, there was life and sharing and caring. There was transparency and honesty about struggles and pain. There was TONS of laughter and fun. It was a church living in community, the Body being a body, and I am sure it was a sweet aroma to the Lord.

So, if you participated, thank you. We pray you were blessed and made a new friend or two or deepened an already established friendship. And if you didn’t participate, you kind of get a “do-over” opportunity. Around here it is called Shepherding Group. We all have a space and a group to do life with each Wednesday…to share and care…to be transparent and honest about our struggles and pain…and plenty of opportunities for LOTS of laughter and fun.

As we begin groups in a couple of weeks, we look forward to hearing lots of great stories of body-life, of fellowship, and of community at Grace. So, what will your story be? Are you in? Are you ready to care and share and be a blessing to others and be blessed by others? That is our prayer for ourselves and for you.

~~ Nita Hallman