Recommended Psalms, Part 3

Our sermon this past Sunday came from Psalm 98. This psalm is part of a group of psalms, beginning with Psalm 93 and ending with Psalm 100, that focus on celebrating God’s kingdom and call all nations to recognize and worship him. They are a highly joyful group of psalms that should produce much encouragement to your faith as you read them.

Below are some brief descriptions of each:

1. Psalm 93: the Lord’s reign over the earth is stable and secure, impossible to be threatened

2. Psalm 94: the Lord protects his people against the schemes of those who plot against them

3. Psalm 95: when we are tempted to grumble we should remember that the Lord is trustworthy

4. Psalm 96: the Lord is to be praised, for he is both Creator and rightful King

5. Psalm 97: the Lord’s care for his creation is assurance that his righteousness endures to the end

6. Psalm 98: a repeat of the same theme of Psalm 96 (see above)

7. Psalm 99: the Lord is holy, yet has provided a way for us to come into his presence

8. Psalm 100: the Lord is to be praised, not only for creating us but also for taking care of us