Christ's Offer of Eternity


The opening verses of John’s gospel provide us with unique perspective on God reaching out from the eternal into our world. Jesus, described there as “the Word,” takes on flesh and dwells among us. He is referred to as “the true light” coming into the world, and yet, shockingly, we are told that he is rejected by many. The created reject the Creator. However, for the ones who receive him, they become the very children of God.

At the end of Luke 2 we see Jesus as an infant being dedicated to the Lord at the temple by his parents. It is there that Simeon prophesies to Mary concerning her Son: “this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), so that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed.” This is the same message communicated by John in the opening verses to his gospel. This child from eternity is going to be a dividing line; the eternal destiny for every person will be determined by their heart response to this child.

2,000 years ago Christ came, bringing the offer of eternity with him. Through his death and resurrection on our behalf, we have the opportunity NOW to secure our eternity with him, simply by acknowledging our guilt before him and receiving by faith what he has done on our behalf. One day he will return, bringing eternity once again, this time for good. Are you ready? Is your eternal assurance based solely in Christ alone by grace alone through faith alone? If not, he stands ready to embrace you with open arms. In this Christmas season, may we rest in Christ and his offer of eternity, eagerly awaiting his return.