remembering God in the mess

As we walked down the trail I found myself engaging my kids with one single, focused message: “stay out of the mud!” Rather than enjoy the beauty around us, defeating the mud became my top priority. Fortunately, as we made our way deeper into the forest, something caught my eye above the gurgling creek off to our left: a majestic hawk perched calmly on a tree branch, quietly surveying the surrounding area. As we paused our hike, in stilled silence at this gift from the Lord, I realized that my focus on the mud almost made me miss the most memorable moment we ended up sharing together that day.

In many ways 2020 has felt a bit like tromping through the mud. Just like a pretty trail that has been turned into a mud pit by a rain storm, this year has often felt wet and soggy, dampened by disappointment and confusion. As I have reflected on this, the Lord’s words from Psalm 46:10 have resonated within me: “Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Back in the spring, Jeremy Henderson preached on this psalm, and I have not forgotten his words. At the end of the day, God is in control, and the world is NOT out of control, despite what appearances may suggest.

That day in the woods the Lord reminded me that he is still on the throne. As that hawk sat calmly and confidently above the muck and mire of the mud below, I was encouraged, remembering that nothing can derail the plans and purposes of the Lord. May we, as his people, struggling through the mud of our times, remember that the mud will not win the day, and may we remember that the Lord continues to calmly reign over every bit of messiness that 2020 has thrown our way.


monthly resources

Below are some articles I’ve run across this past month that you may find helpful:

  1. Parents, the Little Moments Matter Most

  2. The Uniqueness of Christian Suffering

  3. Danger Signs of an Unhealthy Dating Relationship

  4. What is Keeping You from Your Church?

  5. 10 Things That Will Still Be True after Election Day