Growing in Spirituality - SERMON NOTES

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Growing in Spirituality - SERMON NOTES

Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. To listen to the sermon, click the link above.

Intro: (1) what does it look like to be filled with the Spirit? (2) first must recognize our spiritual emptiness apart from Christ (cf. Jeremiah 2:13, John 4:14, 7:37-38) (3) all forms of spirituality outside of Christ are empty, for it is only through Christ that we can be filled with God via the Spirit (cf. 2 Peter 1:4)

Spirit-filled living (15-18): (1) wise living requires intentional caring (2) step 1 is making good use of time  extreme dangers of laziness or busyness, learning to cultivate rhythms of work/rest/play (cf. Psalm 90:12, sabbath) (3) step 2 is discerning God’s will — “general” (i.e. faith in Christ, ten commandments, loving God and others) vs. “particular” (i.e. spouse, career, church, how many kids to have, etc.) (4) step 3 is self-control  excessive alcohol an escape from reality, Spirit enables us to endure in our realities

Spirit-filled singing (19): (1) description of the horizontal and vertical aspects of corporate singing — “psalms, hymns, spiritual songs” probably interchangeable (2) vertical considerations — biblically sound, God-focused rather than felt-needs focused, who the writer/producer is (3) horizontal considerations —singable, lights on, volume, style preferences (4) physical expressions (5) one way we uniquely experience the Holy Spirit is by singing corporately — it’s okay if you sing bad

Spirit-filled thanksgiving (20): (1) gratitude an intended characteristic of one who has experienced Christ’s forgiveness and new life (2) frequency — “always” refers to something ongoing, though this does not mean we are to be thankful FOR everything (3) we can be thankful IN a difficult circumstance (cf. Rom. 5:3-5), while not being thankful FOR it (i.e. ongoing physical challenge, suffering abuse at the hand of someone else) (4) kids getting shots (5) sharing service

Spirit-filled submitting (21): (1) submission = being “arranged under” someone else (i.e. soldier/officer, athlete/coach) — not a “value” word (2) first application — general humility toward one another, with Christ as the ultimate example (cf. John 13:14-16, Philippians 2:3-5) (3) second application — three specific ways in which submission is intended to play out (i.e. husband/wife, parent/child, master/servant) (4) also include submission to spiritual and political authorities (5) filled with HS = living under God’s authority

Conclusion: (1) four points on “be filled with the Spirit” (2) it is a command — not an option (3) it is plural — not possible solo (4) it is passive — comfort for weak (5) it is present — exhortation for complacent (6) which of these four are you doing well at and which one might you need to address?