The Lord’s Community Project

Several days ago, I read a devotion in New Morning Mercies written by Paul Tripp that describes our walk with God as a “community project” and thought how true! If I try and make it on my own, I’m often deceived when I justify wrong attitudes and actions, but others in my life can reveal to me what I often can’t see myself. Physical blindness is obvious to those who are blind, but spiritual blindness is often not recognized by those who have it—it’s a blind spot! We’re all like little mirrors who reflect the people we’re around, which means we don’t need to be isolated and alone! Time spent together builds trust and gives opportunity to help point each other to Jesus.

As the Children’s Director at Grace Church, I want to share some recent ways I’ve seen community at work. When kids spend time together in Sunday School, Pioneer Clubs and Worship, they’re learning about God through his Word, they’re getting to know their teachers and classmates, and the teachers are getting to know them. These times of gathering in community are rich! Here’s some of what I’ve seen: (1) kids hearing the Gospel and responding in faith to begin their walk with God; (2) teachers coming alongside each other to help teach, encourage and build relationships; (3) kids caring for each other and reaching out to help when there’s a hurt or a problem; (4) teachers getting to know students so well that they see their spiritual gifts develop and pray over them specifically; (5) kids and adults pouring out their hearts in worship to the Lord.

Remember, we’re in this community project together with all the tools we need--the Holy Spirit, the Word and each other! What a blessing!

~~ Shannon Gray