Classes begin January 22

Hebrews - Adults (high school and up)

Hebrews is one of the more challenging books in the New Testament. Many of its topics and themes are difficult to understand, and it tends to approach them differently than other New Testament books. At the same time, it is also considered one of the most beautifully written and stylistically polished books of the New Testament, a literary masterpiece. Throughout the author's exposition and exhortation is woven a beautiful tapestry of biblical theology with the aim of exalting the supremacy of Jesus Christ. Our world today often encourages us to pursue lesser things. The author of Hebrews reminds us that Jesus is better than them all.

This class will be taught by Jim Gleason, Charlie Monroe, and Mike Picone in the Annex.

The Gospel & Culture - Adults (high school and up)

Christianity is the most widespread global belief system and promises to remain so well into the future. But for many educated westerners, biblical Christianity is a dangerous idea—challenging some of their deepest beliefs. Using the book Confronting Christianity by Rebecca McLaughlin which channels research, personal stories, and careful biblical study, this class will explore 12 questions that keep many from considering faith in Christ, or which cause doubt in the heart and mind of a believer. As each of these questions are addressed, we will get a stronger grasp of the reality that Jesus is not just a relic from the ancient world but is our world’s best and only hope.

This class will be taught by Chad Berry, Jeremy Henderson, and Keith Watson in the Fellowship Hall.

Copies of Confronting Christianity may be purchased online through Amazon and Christian Book.

The Gospel & Culture - Middle School Class

Within our culture it is becoming increasingly difficult to hold firm to Gospel-centered beliefs; ones that honor Christ and are biblically faithful. It is even more difficult for students as they are confronted with a multitude of ideas and are only beginning to learn how to process them all. Ten questions that students especially wrestle with will be addressed in this study.

This class will be taught by a team of youth parents in the Library.